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dictionary of greek and roman biography and mythology artinya

contoh kalimat "dictionary of greek and roman biography and mythology"
  • dictionary of greek and roman biography and mythology
  • Then followed the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology in 1849.
    Kemudian diikuti Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology atau Kamus Biografi dan Mitologi Roma dan Yunani pada 1849.
  • In 1849, William Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology called the poem "trash" worthy of "no praise", and in 1911, P. Lejay of The Catholic Encyclopedia wrote that "the action of the poem is constrained and unequal, the manner absurd, the diction frequently either obscure or improper".
    Pada 1849, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology karya William Smith menyebut puisi tersebut "sampah" yang dihargai "tanpa pujian", dan pada 1911, P. Lejay dari The Catholic Encyclopedia menulis bahwat "aksi dari puisi tersebut berseberangan dan tak setara, perilakunya rancu, diksinya samar atau tak benar".